I was feeling blue
about spending so much time marketing Wai-nani: A Voice from Old Hawai’i ,
and thought I was losing touch with what had inspired me to write her story in
the first place. I longed for the sensuality, sustenance, and nurturing that
comes when I am in what Mark Twain dubbed “the prettiest fleet of islands ever
to lay anchor in the Pacific”—the Hawaiian Islands .
Then, in my email appeared
an invitation for an “Un-Cruise” with American Safari Cruises throughout the Hawaiian Islands . Spending a week on a smallish ship with
a maximum of 36 other passengers; stopping in sleepy lagoons on Lanai, Molokai,
Maui and the Big Island to snorkel over coral reefs
teeming with flamboyant fishes; kayaking; paddle boarding or skiffing sounded
like this adventure travel writer’s idea of perfection.
“moana,” the grand and vibrant sea, like the early Polynesian voyagers is a
thrilling prospect for me. Not only would I be immersed in the elements; sun, balmy breezes and heavenly, cobalt blue water, I would not have to hassle with where I
would sleep that night, or where I was going to eat. Was I dreaming? No!
American Safari Cruises had already conjured up the perfect holiday for me with
forays on land to sacred sites of historical significance.
OMG! I just
completed the creation of Wai-nani’s Wayfinder—a map of sacred sites on the Big Island
that I am giving as a gift to those who purchase a copy of Wai-nani. Could anything be closer to my heart?
So, this is why I
say be careful what you ask for. You are liable to get it, and then the
question becomes are you ready to meet
the answer!
I promise to return brimming with warm "Aloha" and ready for a fantastic New Year!
Adventure-travel writer, Linda
Ballou, shares Great Outdoor days in L.A, as well as a host of travel articles
on her site, along with information about her travel memoir, Lost Angel Walkabout-One Traveler’s Tales,
her historical novel Wai-nani, A Voice
from Old Hawai’i and her latest action-adventure novel The Cowgirl Jumped over the Moon at-www.LindaBallouAuthor.com.
Her quest today is to get to
as many beautiful places as she can before they are gone. Subscribe to her blog
www.LindaBallouTalkingtoyou.com and receive updates on her books, and travel