Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How To Stop a Train in its Tracks

The fastest way to get into the wilds of the San Juan Mountains in Southwest Colorado is to hop onboard the Durango-Silverton historic sream train. Rock and roll your way up to Needleton, where you leave the train, and join other hikers on the many trails that radiate through the mountains from this point. If you are coming from sea level like me, you will likely need time to acclimate to the higher elevations. This perfect first day jettisons you into the roadless forest with little effort on your part. You can stroll, or hike and take time for a picnic beside the Animas River, but whatever you do, don't miss the train ride back to Durango! If you lose track of time you could find yourself spending a night that tests your survivial skills. No cell service means no helicopters to the rescue.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Rafting in the Wake of Georgie White - Wildcat of the Grand Canyon

“Wake up people! Find your behind and sit on it,” Captain Adam yelled over the roar of the monster wave spilling into a 20-foot hole- dead ahead. Lava Falls is the most fearsome rapids on the 227-mile Grand Canyon run. I bolted from my day-dreaming position on the warm pontoon. While drifting between walls of black porous rock once inside the cone of a volcano, I'd sunk into river time. When we floated past the enormous basalt plug in the middle of the river, I'd forgotten that it meant we were approaching Lava Falls and that I was holding a one-way ticket home.

Read more here at Real Travel Adventures

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Interview with Birding Adventurer – James Currie

James Currie is the driving force behind Nikon Birding Adventures TV which focuses on destination and adventure bird-watching. He explores the best exotic birding destinations on the planet; the most unusual, rare and highly sought after bird species; amazing cultures and wildlife. He is the informative, passionate – and sometimes crazy! – host for BATV that portrays a unique blend of information and adventure, making bird-watching refreshing, contemporary, interesting and exciting. The program has a strong conservation emphasis and highlights the importance and urgency of preserving the planet’s incredible birdlife.

LB: What got you started in this career? Was there a pivotal event in your life that brought you to being a birding adventurer?

JC: I started as a birder really young. My folks owned a restaurant on the slopes of Table Mountain in Cape Town, South Africa and it was there that I first found my love for birds, wildlife and the outdoors. But the moment that really got me hooked was pretty awe-inspiring. I was sitting on a granite boulder on the mountain watching some Rock Hyraxes (Rabbit-like creatures) when a massive Black Eagle swooped in and picked one off right in front of me. I remember being transfixed by the bird’s power, beauty and mastery of flight. From that day on I started trying to see as many birds as possible.

Read more of the interview here